Require master, chief officer, 2nd officer for offshore supply vessel
MMA offshore is opening currently seafarer jobs for master, chief officer work at Platform Supply Vessels, Offshore Support Vessels or Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels providing marine logistic vessels operating in North West shelf and north Australia over the next 12 months.
If you interested to apply, please completed requirements before submit your CV.
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If you interested to apply, please completed requirements before submit your CV.
Master - C/O - 2/O
Job duration
3 months
Sailing area
Ocean going
- Company name: MMA offshore
- Official site: - Office address: 8 Cross Street, PWC Building Unit 08-01/06 - Singapore - About company: With its head office located in Fremantle, Western Australia and international headquarters in Singapore, MMA Offshore is one of the largest marine service providers in the Asia Pacific region undertakes a range of offshore marine activities including: - FPSO offtake support. - Supply operations, drilling and production. - Construction support. - Survey support. - Dive and ROV support. - Subsea installation support. - Subsea inspection, maintenance and repair. - Tug and barge operations. Requirements: STCW II/2 Officers Unlimited Certificate of Competency or equivalent AMSA Certificate of Recognition. Demonstrated experience as a Master offshore. STCW VI/5 SSO Endorsement. Demonstrated experience liaising with clients and meeting project requirements. DP Unlimited Certificate. Azimuth or anchor handling experience. |
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