(7x)Ordinary seaman, (3x)Bosun, (5x)Pumpman, (1x)2nd engineer, (1x)Chief engineer For Tankers
MARITIME JOBS INFO - TSM SHIPPING PHILS., INC. Hiring Crew for tanker ships rank officer, engineer, rating deployment October-November 2018.
Current position:
- Chief officer
- 2nd engineer
- Pumpman
- Bosun
- Ordinary seaman
Office address:
1753 TSM Building, (3rd Flr. TSM OFFICE) - Dian Street, Barangay Palanan, Makati City. Tel. no. 860 75 29 / 860 75 59. Mail: tsmrecruitment@tsmphil.com.ph
FACEBOOK: @tsmshipping.phils.inc ( POEA-098-SB-042418-R-MLC ).
Should you need further information regarding an open job position, please contact the person mentioned in the job advertisement or one of our TSM Recruitment Personnel.
Rogelio P. Bautista | Recruitment Officer |
TSM Shipping (Phils.), Inc.
Recruitment Dept.
Tel. No. +632 860-7559 - Mobile No. +63 0920-9046448
Email: rogelio.bautista@tsmphil.com.ph
Rogelio P. Bautista | Recruitment Officer |
TSM Shipping (Phils.), Inc.
Recruitment Dept.
Tel. No. +632 860-7559 - Mobile No. +63 0920-9046448
Email: rogelio.bautista@tsmphil.com.ph
We will be pleased to answer job-related questions and requests for further information via messenger, email, SMS and to our official TSM FB page. All job applications are to be sent via our company email address: tsmrecruitment@tsmphil.com.ph
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