Hiring Crew For Towing Tug Vessel Join This Week
MARITIME JOBS INFO - Posted 10/10/2018 C.S.C Manila, INC. Opening hiring crew for towing tug vessel joining A.S.A.P.
Current position:
- Chief mate
- 2nd engineer
- 3rd engineer
- Able seaman
- Cook
- Anchor handling experience
- Towing tug below 1k GRT
- Sailed with European officers before
Qualified applicants, please report to an office or send your CV to seafarers@csc-manila.com.ph
> Apply <
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Current position:
- Chief mate
- 2nd engineer
- 3rd engineer
- Able seaman
- Cook
- Anchor handling experience
- Towing tug below 1k GRT
- Sailed with European officers before
Qualified applicants, please report to an office or send your CV to seafarers@csc-manila.com.ph
> Apply <
You can subscribe to get updated maritime jobs at sea.