Deck Cadets & Engine Cadets For Passenger, Tanker, Cargo, Tugboat Ships
MARITIME JOBS INFO - Portavaga Ship Management hiring Filipino deck and engine cadets for domestic passenger, tanker, cargo, tugboat ships joining A.S.A.P.
Current position:
- 50x Deck Cadets
- 50x Engine Cadets
Send your resume to or please walk-in office.
Office address: 1056 M. Naval St. Brgy San Jose Navotas Metro Manila.
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Current position:
- 50x Deck Cadets
- 50x Engine Cadets
Send your resume to or please walk-in office.
Office address: 1056 M. Naval St. Brgy San Jose Navotas Metro Manila.
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You can subscribe to get update maritime jobs at sea.