Hiring Crew For Workboat Accommodation Vessel
SEAMAN JOB INFO - Posted/Jan/2019 Crystal Shipping. Inc. Opening hiring jobs for Filipino seafarers crew join on Workboat Accommodation Vessel deployment A.S.A.P.
Job Position:
- Master
- Chief Mate DPO
- 2nd Mate DPO
- Bosun
- Able Seaman / Rigger
- Crane Operator
- Chief Engineer
- 2nd Engineer
- 3rd Engineer
- Oiler
- ETO with DPM
- HSE Officer
Office address:
Crystal IEAC Bldg. 1381 San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila - Philippines
recruitment@crystalshippinginc.com / www.crystalshippinginc.com / Tel. +62998-966-4827
Qualified applicants may send your CV/Resume to > APPLY ONLINE <
Source: https://web.facebook.com/crystalshipping/photos/a.335020806670342/1079439338895148/?type=3&theater
Share to help other seaman looking jobs at sea. Maritime & offshore jobs guide. Family life insurance company. Free finance courses.
Job Position:
- Master
- Chief Mate DPO
- 2nd Mate DPO
- Bosun
- Able Seaman / Rigger
- Crane Operator
- Chief Engineer
- 2nd Engineer
- 3rd Engineer
- Oiler
- ETO with DPM
- HSE Officer
Office address:
recruitment@crystalshippinginc.com / www.crystalshippinginc.com / Tel. +62998-966-4827
Qualified applicants may send your CV/Resume to > APPLY ONLINE <
Source: https://web.facebook.com/crystalshipping/photos/a.335020806670342/1079439338895148/?type=3&theater
Share to help other seaman looking jobs at sea. Maritime & offshore jobs guide. Family life insurance company. Free finance courses.