Recruit Officers, Engineers, Ratings, Cadets For Passenger Vessel (Philippines)

Seaman job Officers, Engineers, Ratings, Cadets For Passenger Vessel
SEAMAN JOB INFO - Posted/Feb/2019 Sphiro Ship Management, Inc. Hiring Filipino seafarers crew for Passenger vessel domestic deployment A.S.A.P

Job Position:
- Master
- Chief engineer
- Chief mate
- 2nd engineer
- Able seaman
- Oiler
- Deck cadet
- Engine cadet

About Company:
We employ rigorous recruitment and hiring procedure to ensure that all our sea staffs are of the highest quality and competency. We ensure that they all meet national rules and regulations, and industry standards. Our management level officers work with a clear management structure that rewards performance and provides a clear communication path to highest management resulting in better coordination and cooperation between shore and sea staffs.

Office address:
Stella Maris Seaman Center Pier 4, Cebu City / Tel. 092-5321-5865
Please bring your accomplished biodata together with your complete documents, licenses and certificates.

Qualified applicants may send your CV/Resume to > APPLY ONLINE <

Seaman job Officers, Engineers, Ratings, Cadets For Passenger Vessel

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