Hiring Workboat Accommodation Crews (Philippines)

urgent job hiring for seaman 2019
SEAMAN JOB INFO - Posted/Feb/2019 CRYSTAL SHIPPING, INC. Urgent job hiring for Filipino seaman crew join on Offshore Workboat Accommodation Vessels.

Job Position:
Master | Chief Mate DPO | 2nd Mate DPO | Bosun | Able Seaman | Rigger | Crane Operator
Chief Engineer | 2nd Engineer | 3rd Engineer | Oiler | ETO with DPM | HSE Officer

About Company: www.crystalshippinginc.com
Crystal Shipping, Inc. Was established in the year 1989 by Capt. Inocencio A. Crisostomo and spouse Mrs. Edith Azarcon Crisostomo with the primary mission of not just providing job opportunities for the thousands of Filipino Seafarers but to make a statement to the global shipping industry that the Filipino Seafarer is the "Crew of Choice"

Office Address:
Crystal IEAC Bldg. 1381 San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila
recruitment@crystalshippinginc.com / Tel. +63998-966-4827 / +63995-106-2551

Qualified applicants may send your CV/Resume to > APPLY NOW <

Source: http://bit.ly/2BXIBBO

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