Hiring Oiler, Fitter, A/B, Pumpman, Bosun, 4/E, 3/E, 2/E, C/E, 3/O, 2/O, C/O, Master On Chemical Tanker Vessel
Company name: Anglo Eastern. (POEA-029-SB-092514-R-MLC-PA).
Office address: Bloomingdale Bldg. 205 Salcedo St, Legaspi Village, Makati.
Chemical tanker vessel, rank:
- Master 4x
- Master 4x
- Chief officer 4x
- 2nd officer 4x
- 3rd officer 3x
- Chief engineer 4x
- 2nd engineer 4x
- 3rd engneer 4x
- 4th engineer 4x
- Bosun 4x
- Pumpman 4x
- Fitter 4x
- Able seamans
- Oilers
- With similar type of vessel experience
- Valid document and medically fit
Send your Resume with email subject (NAME+APPLY POSITION+EXPERIENCE) to recruitmentmnl@angloeastern.com
Job valid for the month of April 2023.
Job only for Filipino crew.
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